What is ScamAider.com?

ScamAider.com is a website reputation and review service that helps people make informed decisions about whether to trust a website or not.
For example, online shoppers who explore new sites may be concerned about which ones can be trusted in terms of quality of products and customer service. By using Scamaider.com they can check potential issues of unknown sites, read other peoples’ reviews and compare the reputation of different sites.

Why ScamAider.com works?

Trusted Sources

ScamAider.com uses trusted third party sources to further increase the accuracy of the website ratings. The data may have either positive or negative impact on the site reputation.


ScamAider.com system is carefully monitored for any kind of unusual activities or unwanted behavior.

Reputation Data

The reputation and confidence level of each site is stored into our database. Reputation is calculated in real-time.

What kind of comments does ScamAider.com want?

When you write a comment, you share your experience with the website or business with other ScamAider.com users. Leaving a comment after you rate a site can help others decide if they want to visit the site or not.
When writing your comments, please consider the following:
• Support your assertions or statements
• Try to keep it short, but focused

Avoid these:
• Advertisements or "spam" content
• Email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of contact information
• Critical or spiteful comments on other comments posted on the page or their authors

Contact ScamAider.com

Any question you can contact us by email: ,We will reply within 72 hours.